
Category Archives: Tips & Tricks

These are a collection of helpful hints for things that some cross stitchers find challenging. Need some info to make metallics easier to use? How about the how’s and why’s of gridding? Lots of info here, and if you don’t see what you need, just ask! We’re always looking for ideas for future posts!

What is DIAMANT thread?

Diamant is a DMC “metallic” thread that comes on a spool. It is a single non-divisible strand that is weighted the same as 2 strands of cotton floss. Many people find it much easier to use than the DMC Light Effects “metallics”, which come in 6 strand divisible skeins.

My Magic Hour: A Product Tour – 28 Count Opalescent Lugana

Serena holding a rainbow pride heart design

Hello, stitchers! Serena here again with a blog series this time! I’m calling it My Magic Hour: A Product Tour (like an artist’s “best of” tour but I can still be in the privacy of my own home to bring it to you!) So, what is a “product tour”? It works thusly: I use a […]

Gridding – Pen or Thread?

A close up on a needle with yellow floss being inserted into white, gridded aida fabric

Tips on Gridding your Fabric Hello, stitchers!  Donna here with a few tips, do’s and don’t on Gridding. Gridding is a subject that gets a lot of attention in cross stitching Facebook groups, workshops and anywhere else that stitchers gather. There are good reasons to grid.  It certainly helps with keeping counts, especially for “cross […]

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